Published: (Updated: ) in The corner of Yuriy Georgiev (aka jeux), 3d, c++, casting, coding, computer, cpu, development, from scratch, graphics, lighting, ray, ray tracing, realtime, reflections, tracing by jeux. .
CPU based real-time ray tracing is definitely a thing (with certain amount of sacrifices).
I just implemented real-time reflections and shadows.…
Published: (Updated: ) in The corner of Yuriy Georgiev (aka jeux), 2.5d, 3d, 90s, blast, c++, casting, classic, coding, development, doom, engine, first person, first person shooter, firstperson, fps, from, fromscratch, game, game dev, game vlog, id, id software, indie, programming, pseudo3d, ray, raycasting, raytracing, scratch, shooter, software, tracing, vlog, wolfenstein by jeux. .
The latest update of Blast has some fun improvements.
Tech Demo
Dynamic lights and emitters are pure fun to play with.…