A new enemy type has been implemented. The Machinegun Man.
He is faster and stronger. It has a new look and completely new and distinct dying animation.…
Chopping out polygons at the right place in order to construct balanced binary trees might be an exhausting task.
The results are promising even though I still end up with some concave polys that are not properly processed.…
I’ve coded a sample of software based ASCII 3D rendering engine in C++ from scratch.
It draws directly into the console framebuffer (so it’s horribly slow, therefore I use very primitive models and no rasterization).…
I started coding an operating system from scratch just for fun in Assemler and C.
It turned out to be way less complicated than what I expected as long as you know (or find out) some of the BIOS interrupts.…
Published: (Updated: ) in The corner of Yuriy Georgiev (aka jeux), 3d, c++, casting, coding, computer, cpu, development, from scratch, graphics, lighting, ray, ray tracing, realtime, reflections, tracing by jeux. .
CPU based real-time ray tracing is definitely a thing (with certain amount of sacrifices).
I just implemented real-time reflections and shadows.…
Published: (Updated: ) in The corner of Yuriy Georgiev (aka jeux), 2.5d, 3d, 90s, blast, c++, casting, classic, coding, development, doom, engine, first person, first person shooter, firstperson, fps, from, fromscratch, game, game dev, game vlog, id, id software, indie, programming, pseudo3d, ray, raycasting, raytracing, scratch, shooter, software, tracing, vlog, wolfenstein by jeux. .
The latest update of Blast has some fun improvements.
Dynamic lights and emitters are pure fun to play with.…
That’s the beginning of our daily chronicles. Not before long surely there will be something fun to read here.
Stay tuned.…